School-Based Therapy
Synergy Counseling Services offers school-based therapy to Colleton County Schools in SC. Teachers, guidance counselors, principals, providers or parents may refer students for these services. To make a referral or sign up, call the child’s school and ask to speak with the guidance counselors office to get the process started.
Families who may have difficulty getting to outside appointments are also good candidates for this program because counseling is delivered to students during school hours.
What is needed before the first visit?
Your consent for treatment and approval to submit a claim to your health insurance on your behalf is require before services can be rendered. Our
office will also need basic demographics of the client (name, address, email address, phone numbers, social security numbers, date of birth), as well as
your insurance card information. Please click on the below link to complete the new patient intake information: Register now
Is my child a good candidate for school-based mental health programming?
Children and teens are good candidates for our school-based mental health programming if they are experiencing any mental health symptoms that are
disrupting their daily activities such as schoolwork, friendships, relationships at home, sleep, etc. Common concerns are around stress, anxiety, depression, sleep trouble, concentration issues, relationship stressors, trauma, eating concerns, social issues and many more. Our clinicians are highly trained in a variety of areas to ensure the best quality of care is given.
How do I communicate with my child’s clinician?
Once therapy has been initiated, the clinician assigned to your child’s care will be available through email and phone. The clinician will share their contact information with you during your first session. Our clinician’s welcome communication from parents and encourage your participation in sessions. If you have any questions, or concerns, please reach out directly to your child’s clinician.
How are ongoing appointments scheduled?
The clinician will work with you and your child to decide how often sessions should occur and how often parent/guardian participation is needed. Clinicians may then schedule ongoing appointments with your child’s teacher to ensure little disruptions to their schedule as possible.
What if my child is sick, or out of school on a day that they normally have therapy?
If you know that your child is going to be out on a regularly scheduled therapy day, please contact their clinician directly to inform them. The school can
also inform the clinician if needed.